What does the future hold in store for humanity?

What does the future hold in store for humanity? – Dreaming the other night I took a gander…

Futurists, the professionals of prediction, are notoriously inaccurate when they seek to describe any scenario located more than just a few years in the future. Perhaps that is because their analyses are projections based on what already is. They cannot calculate the unforeseen, and so they are routinely miles off the mark if predicting even as little as two or three decades ahead. 

Perhaps a dream might do better. 

Note that this is a follow-on to another thing I wrote some time ago. If you haven’t seen that one, you might want to take a look… 

My vision of the future

Here is the direction in which I see humanity developing. By necessity, I can only paint that picture in very broad brush strokes. There are lots of details I can not yet fill in, and much of that will be dreamed up by others, rather than myself. The common effort will be one of co-creation. It is your imagination, as well as mine, that will shape our common future…

Mother Earth

In biological terms, the earth is our common mother, it nourishes and keeps us, and it provides the conditions life needs to develop and thrive. 

We will find a way to ground ourselves, to find our connection with our common mother and with all of Nature around us. This will be a healing experience and as we heal, Mother Earth will heal as well. 

We will appreciate the preciousness of clean, abundant water, of the forests, the land and all life that thrives here. We will also modify emerging technologies towards a much more parsimonious use of this planet’s precious resources. Large patches of land that are now inhospitable deserts will again be covered by vegetation and be accessible to human and animal habitation. Animals and fish will no longer be the principal source of food for humans, and there will be an abundance of wildlife populating the forests, the savannahs, the air, the rivers and the seas.

No longer will we drill for oil or dig the ground to mine coal and minerals. Our energy needs will be abundantly met by technologies that are not based on combustion. Uranium and other radioactive elements will no longer need to be concentrated and used for their heat-generating property. Since concentration and purification seems to be the problem with those materials, probably much of what has already been mined and concentrated and has been used to make weapons and to fuel atomic power plants, will again be distributed. We will give back to the earth, in small pieces, those concentrated materials that are dangerous if stockpiled in large quantities. There will be no storage of “radioactive waste” in huge underground caverns and abandoned salt mines, where it waits only to corrode its containers and bring trouble once more. 

While there will still be great cities and imposing buildings, with better options for transport, many of us will prefer to live in a more natural environment. Our living spaces will blend in with the surrounding natural environment, rather than sticking out like a bunch of sore thumbs. 

There will be a re-discovery of the importance of the earth’s natural and artificial energy grids. We will seek to understand and will strive to harmonise with those energies, not only as individuals but also in the structures we build or re-build and in the stone art we create. 

Sex and Family 

Sex will be seen as sacred, a creative force inside each one of us to be celebrated… a path to the union of souls as expressed in the physical. The sharp distinctions between the traditional roles of male and female will progressively fade into insignificance, both in our personal relations and in society as a whole. The game will no longer be to achieve the domination of one sex over the other. Society will be neither patriarchic nor matriarchic, instead there will be loving cooperation and playful interaction between the two former opposites. 

While the union of male and female with a view of raising children is still going to be the norm for as long as we have human bodies, we will develop a loving tolerance for the many variations of sexual relationships and preferences that do not have the birth and raising of children as their exclusive focus. Male and female can be considered to be the extreme ends of a vast spectrum of sexual orientations, and there are many possible combinations that can arise in each one of us as well as between us that are not at those extreme ends…

Family will continue to have great importance. Parents and children generally love each other and we will protect our children and raise them with love and great care. Both parents and grandparents will participate in the raising of children. Single parents may find support from friends and community. 

A small beginning in this direction are the family homesteads or ‘kin’s domains’ which are being established in Russia in numbers and are already spreading from there to the world. Kin’s domains are plots of land, usually about ten acres in size, that allow for trees, hedges, bushes and sometimes lakes or ponds. The land provides space for cultivating most of the food a family needs, including vegetables and fruits. There may be raising of some animals, including fowl and fish, either as pets or to allow for variation in our food. The family home, built on that same patch of land, provides space for the whole family to live together … all ages from babies to elders. 

Groups and Communities

Communities and groups will bring people together and will allow them to pursue all kinds of common interests. There will be both local communities and those that connect over distances, bridged by ever better means of communication. Each one of us will probably be a member of several such groups, providing us with a way to create what we are passionate about. This may be commerce, faith, science, technology, or fun activities … they used to say ‘only the sky is the limit’ but I rather think there will be no more limits to creativity. 

Communities may, in the future, also provide a perfect entry point for a different kind of government structure, one where people can have a say in the decisions that regard their lives. This will be true for various levels of government, be it local, regional or planetary. Democracy will be a much more fine grained affair than it is now. It will be the people themselves, the voice of humanity, not corporations or computer programs who have the last word.


Good food of great variety can provide all the elements our bodies need – the raw materials to transform inside ourselves – to sustain health and continually re-generate our bodies. Combined with a physically active life style, this alone will prevent most of the illnesses that plague us today. There is no reason why we cannot be in perfect health all the time. With all the natural elements this earth provides in herbs and foods, our bodies do not have to decay into illness. Yes, we will continue to age as long as we have physical bodies, but potentially those bodies do not have to die after just a few decades of life. Our physical life span will no longer be limited to ‘three score and ten’ years as they used to say, but will match or exceed the several centuries that were common in ancient biblical times…

Much of the illness we see today is iatrogenic – meaning it is medically induced – by way of vaccinations and toxic drugs. The current pharmaceutical business that controls and directs medicine, is thriving on more and more illness, so it is geared to produce more illness. It will have to undergo a deep transformation to become a scientific way of supporting good health and extending life span. There is certainly room for emergency medicine, for patching up broken bodies, for regenerating them, and I believe that in the future, medicine will make great strides in that direction … after being transformed from an extremely profitable business to becoming more of a social service. 

We will also abandon current efforts to label emotional and mental problems as illness. Today, those psychiatric labels are what provides the justification for forceful intervention to keep everyone well adjusted to society. Tolerance of diversity and care for the needs of all will replace the violence, the coercion and the heavy pharmaceutical interventions that have made psychiatry a tool of controlling individual behaviour in favour of societal uniformity. 

Great care will also be taken to eliminate environmental sources of bad health, including air pollution, toxins in our foods and water, and the electromagnetic interference that weakens all living organisms. 


Money will no longer be the determining factor for whether we can eat, have a place to live, or have the amenities that make life a little more joyful. There will be no trading of currencies, one against the other, and no accumulation of huge amounts of money (and power) in the hands of a few. Trading is a form of interaction with foreigners, with those who are not part of family or trusted circles in human society.

Instead of money being a pre-condition for obtaining things, it will be a simple accounting system, a point system of sorts, that roughly keeps track of what we contribute to society and what we consume. Much of our economy will simply be based on gifting, voluntarily providing for others something that is easy for someone to make and that holds value for the other … just for the pleasure of giving. 

Some of the more expensive-to-produce products – and the larger items we may dream about – will require a reality check, in the sense that our contribution to society should be in approximate balance with what we can acquire. The point (or credit) system will take care of that…

Agriculture and animals

We will continue to have agriculture and to raise animals for food, but we will do that with a sense of respect for both the natural environment and the welfare of the animals that give their lives to sustain ours. 

We will also find new ways to produce the food we eat that do not rely on plants and animals. An example of this would be plankton, the myriad forms of microscopic living organisms that naturally grow in the Oceans. Plankton provides an exclusive source of food for most species of whales, which are among the largest and longest living mammals on earth.

It is possible, for instance, to grow tons of plankton in transparent tanks, using as the only input sea water and the light of the sun. This cultivated plankton can be filtered out and the sea water can be returned to where it came from, still richer in plankton than when it was taken. The filtered product, which is a dense, nutrient-rich paste, can then be transformed into delicious foods and into emergency rations, nourishment which would sustain us for the long term and do so without any measurable impact on the natural environment. 

Food is also accessible to technology. Once we learn to control the transmutation of elements, we will find that almost any raw material has some elements that can be transmuted into those that nourish our bodies. Star Trek’s replicators come to mind…


We will take great care to make our technologies bio-compatible. 


Li-Fi, data transfer based on the humanly imperceptible modulation of visible light, will gradually replace the damaging cell phone and Wi-Fi technologies that are based on the the use of microwaves. Laser based transmission of data streams between satellites and earth and between relay points on land may replace those microwave technologies in our earth-bound communications. To efficiently bridge interstellar distances, other more advanced technologies like gravity modulation may be needed, and they will certainly be developed.


We will no longer be earth-bound as we develop individual air transport. All kinds of flying machines are possible, for us to navigate the skies and our neighbourhoods, and there will be all manner of drive systems, from simple propellers to jets and more advanced anti-gravity tech in our sky limousines and other, more exciting smaller flying gadgets. 


Mass transport over greater distances will use teleportation technology, which has already been developed but which – today – is a closely guarded secret, accessible only to governments and corporations. As this technology will become generally available, it will make long distance travel on earth and even interplanetary ‘hops’ a simple matter of stepping into a space that, through appropriate technology, can establish a direct link to a destination space, where we will arrive safe and sound, pretty much in a matter of instants. 

Space travel 

Long distance travel through interstellar and intergalactic spaces will be accessible to us as well, and it will not be based on rockets but on anti-gravity and other technologies that will be developed and refined in the future. Today, space technology that goes way beyond what NASA shows us, already exists but is restricted for use by a clique of renegades. Those technologies are not even futuristic, but like teleportation, are kept secret for reasons of control…

Energy technology 

The way we obtain energy to power our technological gadgets and amenities will be transformed radically by bringing new concepts on line. The choices of technology to provide energy are many and most probably there will be a plethora of different technologies, each one adapted for different environments and specific uses. 

Our source of energy could be the wind, the motion of water and the sun’s rays but there is also magnetism, there’s gravity, and last but not least there is the vast “sea of energy” of the space in which we are embedded.  Like fish in water, we do not perceive that sea of energy of which we are an integral part. That energy can be tapped however, as predicted by Nikola Tesla, and it can be transformed into useable electric energy by electronics, magnetics and other technological means. 

In terms of energy, only one thing is certain. We will no longer derive most of the energy we need from the burning of oil, coal or gas … nor from the heat provided by concentrated and purified radioactive elements.

Hydrogen, for example, the most abundant element in this universe and which is present also in interstellar space, is an excellent carrier of energy. That energy can be unlocked and used with comparatively simple means that are already available today, by efficiently splitting water into its constituent gases, hydrogen and oxygen. The re-combination and burning of those two gases can and will replace, in the near term, all the oil and gas we currently use for transportation and energy production, without any toxic or polluting emissions.

Here is what Nikola Tesla, the great forgotten genius, said about energy…

“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason; it has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”

The heart connection

We will realise that our heart is not a pump but a provider of the rhythm needed for blood to flow well in our veins. We will also understand that it is an important center of our own individual energy, and we will discover a way to bring about harmony and common intent, through connection with the heart’s energy. We will link up with each other and with life in general, using the subtle energy of love that radiates out from each and every human being’s heart. 

Creative Abilities

Telepathy and other psychic abilities come into this as well. As we abandon current practices of education, designed only to memorise data, not to question or create, we will find that children quite naturally have abilities to direct and use their own energies in ways that today are considered very much “out there”.

Moving objects at a distance for instance – telekinesis – will be quite common.

Simply disappearing from one place and instantly reappearing in another – teleportation – will be mastered by some at first and later by a great majority of us.

Overcoming the earth’s gravity to lift a human body off the ground, is the province of a few accomplished yogis today. In the future, lifting our bodies and flying will be another one of those abilities that many will gradually learn to appreciate, to control and use. 

We will also learn to use frequencies to create, making things appear and physically manifest “out of thin air” in rather magical ways, and we will learn to communicate with each other without the need for any physical or electronic devices. Telepathy will be an efficient way of communication, but it will be possible only when we are more open to being transparent.

It is also possible to learn to access knowledge, not through the tedious learning and sorting of facts but by directly tapping into a universal record of knowledge. Some call this the akashic record, and even today, a very few of us can tap into that record, which is part of and is present anywhere in this holographic universe. 

Music and other creative artistic expression will see a great revival. At first, we will be re-discovering and learning to use all kinds of traditional instruments that have long been forgotten. We will also learn to explore the tremendous potential of the human voice as an artistic instrument. 

There will be a whole new genre of visual and sensory art forms, providing much joyful entertainment. The best and most creative composers and performers of those new arts will be the sought-after stars of the future, making more ‘points’ than today’s greatest football stars.

The lost tribes

There are many remnants of indigenous, or rather original, people in every corner of the earth. Every continent is home to one or more of those original tribes. Those tribal cultures will revive and will gradually gather all of the ancient knowledge that has been preserved and guarded by their elders over centuries and millennia. 

Eventually, those tribes will come together again and, combining all their sacred wisdom, will do their part in forming a new version of humanity, much wiser perhaps and much more powerful than anything this universe has seen before…  

Perhaps at that point, humanity or a part of it may decide to explore the universe in pursuit of fun and adventure…

Heaven and Earth

There will, at a certain point, no longer be a distinction between Heaven and Earth. Just as we will overcome the oppositional relation between the sexes, the heavens and the underworld will join hands to help bring humanity out of its deep slumber and awake every last one of us to their divine potential.

This appears to be one of the most difficult things to achieve, as the counterposition of forces – those of light and those of the dark – is very deeply engrained in most of our religious cultures. I firmly believe however that, difficult as it might appear to be, this will be achieved. It must be achieved if humanity is to pass from its current confused, warlike state to a new equilibrium based on love and the balance of all forces. 

A common foe

The thing that unites us all, apart from Love, is a common foe that stands at our gates, ready to enslave all life to serve a non-life based, computer controlled force, that is already pervading much of our universe. We know it as ‘artificial intelligence’, a type of intelligence based only on calculation, without feelings and without creativity.

If intelligent life in its many forms is to survive, this is an influence which will have to be eliminated or brought under control.

Once that common foe is no longer a threat, there will be nothing that can endanger or reverse the peaceful development of humanity or the eventual return home to distant stars and galaxies of the many powerful beings present here, some of whom were trapped and forcibly re-located on our planet, with the intent of eliminating life as the creative force in this universe.  

Before that point is reached however, we have quite some work to do. I believe we can do it … if we all work together in a spirit of love and understanding.

Copyright and translations

I have re-considered my view on how copyright and translations should be handled. 
There is no copyright on any of my writings. They are in the public domain and are a gift to humanity. They shall forever be free of any exclusivity for commercial interests.
Translations of this and some of my other writings will probably appear in different places. I have no desire, nor do I have the capacity, to control who translates or how well they do it. The best translations will, by themselves, become the ones that are generally accepted, as long as communications are open and transparent.