Here I am taking a look at the current situation in the Ukraine from a different perspective.
With open censorship on both sides of the conflict, we hardly have a chance to put together a complete and undistorted picture of what exactly is unfolding, yet it can be done. I believe that things can only make sense if we see the recent and current events there from a geopolitical perspective, zooming out to get a wider view. The Ukraine in that sense is merely incidental, it is not the objective of the current struggle as much as that might appear so.
According to Alexander Dugin, the foremost Russian expert on geopolitics, we have two powers at work here. One of them is the Sea Power, technologically oriented, poised to ever expand its sphere of influence. It is exemplified by the US/UK/Nato coalition. What traditionally started out as a Sea Power (think British Navy), then took to the Air (think US Air Force) to continue its politics of expansion. It is now in progress of taking to Space, witness the recently constituted ‘Space Force’ which is but a continuation of existing, but secret, high tech covert Space Programs that are in full swing already.
On the other hand we have the Land Power, based on tradition, and on the occupation and use of the land. Land Power is not bent on expansion. It is more conservative and it does not have designs to be a monolith. It envisions a multipolar world. The Land Power is exemplified by Russia, spanning the huge Eurasian land mass, but also China and India come into this, and perhaps a few other players.
Sea Power is doing everything it can to expand its sphere of influence. We remember a whole string, decades of US-initiated “regime change” operations where several countries’ leaders were toppled to be replaced by Sea Power friendly puppets. There have been a series of bloody wars that destroyed functioning countries and their governments, merely because they resisted the dictates of Sea Power. Irak and Libya as well as Syria are just a few of the more prominent recent examples of such intervention. This may be the first time in recent history that a candidate for regime change can put their foot down and have the firepower to back up that decision …
Coming back to the Ukraine, it appears that the country has been prepared to become a powder keg for initiating “regime change” in the Land Power, mother Russia. After a Soros sponsored color revolution in the early part of the century, a Russia-friendly president came to power, only to be then overthrown in the violent and also Western-sponsored Maidan events of 2014. A Western friendly president was then installed but with him came a coterie of hard core Nazis. They took to the streets and made no bones of their intention of “cleansing” the country of all those minorities that did not come up to their nationalist standards.
First and foremost among those minorities to be exterminated were the ethnic Russians – several millions of them – living in the south and in the east of the Ukraine. The campaign to exterminate the Russian minority started in earnest in 2014, when nationalist, right-wing Nazi factions had gained a foothold in government and in the military. Civilian victims of that ethnic cleansing campaign already number more than fourteen thousand, but the West turned a blind eye.
Even when Russia said hey, our people are being massacred here by Ukrainian Nazi battalions, not one of the Western powers was listening. So eventually we had a casus belli, a spark to set off the powder keg the Ukraine had become. When earlier this year a huge Ukrainian clean-up operation of the resistance in the eastern provinces was planned and the troops amassed to do the deed, the Russians intervened preventively to save their compatriots in those eastern provinces and to break the back of the Ukrainian extermination battalions.
The USA and Nato allies, having pushed for such a conflict to break out were somewhat taken by surprise, but they had a planned response which immediately swung into action. Propaganda about the Russian cleanup campaign and economic sanctions against “the aggressor”. The intention was, from the very beginning, to mire Russia in a drawn-out bloody war, to bleed the country until “regime change” would become inevitable. As it looks now, the trade sanctions are causing rising food and energy prices in the West, backfiring on the countries imposing them, as well as touching a large section of the less developed countries, mainly in Africa, that depend on the no longer available agricultural products out of both Ukraine and Russia.
The financial sanctions, among others the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT international payments system and the freezing of Russia’s sovereign funds in Western controlled banks, have had even more pronounced unintended effects. Not only have Russia, India and China implemented their own international payment exchange, they also have gradually said good-bye to the US dollar as a trusted reserve or commercial exchange currency. So in some way, the Land Power was forced to build up its own financial network, independent from the West. It should be noted that the US dollar’s status as a de-facto world reserve currency has permitted the US to do heavy spending on armaments and warfare, with other countries basically footing the bill. This may definitely be coming to an end now.
In this war situation – let’s remember that the Ukraine are a mere puppet they’d gladly sacrifice – the Sea Power has a definite advantage on the propaganda side, since it controls practically all Western public media. Meanwhile, the Land Power is calmly proceeding its special operation of clean-up and protection. Russian forces go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties, something you would never know reading only the Western press. The Ukrainian population to a large degree welcomes the arrival of Russian forces and the step by step defeat of the Nazi forces, yet the court of public opinion is in favour of the “defenders”, including their Nazi-tainted military.
A meeting of the UN Security Council held on 5 April 2022 shows almost unanimous condemnation of the Russian intervention, but there is also, I sense, some uneasiness as to the narrative of brutal Russian troops indiscriminately killing Ukrainian civilians. There are too many inconsistencies in this narrative that has been imposed by force of sheer propaganda. So now it seems that calls for independent investigation and fact-finding missions are getting louder.
It would appear that the combined Ukraine/Western media propaganda machine will eventually out itself for what it is: unreliable when it comes to real facts. On the other hand, the Russian side is quietly documenting what is being found: deadly germs in various US-supported bio-laboratories, efforts to develop nuclear weapons and other things which we can hardly imagine at this time. We will need some patience to let those documents accumulate and mature, and for a good opportunity to appear to cross the wall of censorship for Land Power to bring those informations to the attention of a wider audience.
At one point we may see a grand reckoning between the two sides, the Sea Power and the Land Power. The final outcome is by no means certain. The Sea Power seeks to be a monolith, the only and central place of decision making in the world. The Land Power seeks to preserve its independent existence and to build a world where decisions are made in co-operative manner by a number of power centers. So the question becomes, will the Sea Power find it in itself to graciously concede space to Land Power, to a multipolar reality, or will they try to “take it all” and thereby commit suicide, taking much of the Western World down with it.
If we go back to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s work “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives” there is little hope for such a conciliatory step by Sea Power. But miracles have happened in the past and might happen again. Who knows, some strategists might think it worth to avoid all-out war, which would certainly be devastating for both sides.
I could imagine that Sea Power, in its natural evolution towards Air and now Space, might appreciate to have a home base on this planet that need not be subjugated and constantly patrolled. On the other hand, Land Power could take on the important task of stewarding the earth and our natural environment, protect all of the species present with us on this wonderful planet, as well as provide a place to grow and develop to those humans who do not aspire to a life in Space.
In this way, humanity could finally put its long history of continuous war and conflict behind itself and grow up into a species that can take care of its home planet, as well as expand and explore, interacting with other races out there in space.
But for this to happen, we need both, the space oriented and the earth-based humans. They must find a way to co-exist in a climate of mutual respect.
Sepp Hasslberger
Terceira Island
April 2022
Some references…
Alexander Dugin speaking to journalists on the Ukraine conflict,
from the viewpoint of geopolitics.
Sea Power vs. Land Power…
The Grand Chessboard
by Zbigniew Brzezinski –
… how empire plays the chess game as a single player
Ukraine on Fire – this excellent documentary by Oliver Stone goes into the history of how the Ukraine was turned into a powder keg that eventually needed to explode. Tellingly, this film was for a long time on YouTube but has been censored there … removed.
Here is the UN Security council meeting on the Ukraine situation on 5 April 2022
Watching the whole three-hour meeting, I find myself cautiously optimistic that eventually a solution will be found that leaves the parties safe and stable. Despite the almost unanimous condemnation of Russia by country delegates, there were many calls for keeping cool and actually investigating (independently) the reports of war crimes and atrocities to ascertain who is to blame.
There are also plenty of calls for Russia to abandon its operation that will, for now, fall on deaf ears I believe.
Zelenski speaks from 39:00 to 57:00.
To contrast what the Ukraine says, there are two interventions of the Russian representative, first from 1:25 to 1:38 and later again from 2:41 to 2:53.
A 2-minute video with dramatic music purporting to show the result of Russian atrocities was introduced by the Ukrainian delegation and was shown to the meeting delegates at. 1:15 – 1:17 The content of the video is contested in the second Russian intervention.
Here a video that goes into the history of the US domination – by force – of the rest of the world, any country that could in any way touch US interests …
Alexandr Dugin
“We are the last Restrainer, the Catechon. We alone oppose global evil. Now this noble idea must be developed, this mission must be told openly and without shame. Then everything will fall into place.We are fighting against the Antichrist, this must be said. This is our Russian idea, this is how everything bends.And it’s not just about us, not just about Ukrainians or Europeans. It concerns everyone. We are fulfilling our spiritual duty with this special operation”
For a more comprehensive background on Putin/Russia and the motivations for the Russian military operation in the Ukraine, please see these two articles…